
Monday, March 24, 2008

long night

Its Friday night, and I have gas so bad that lighting a match wont even mask the smell. All I can say is be happy that I am nowhere near you right now.
Hats are done, so here is a quick peek.

I will have more formal pictures soon, but these will do for now.

Hairy Nate went to the west coast and came back with some cool pictures of some big ass trees.

I also got some new stickers done.Blue ink on white vinyl.They are pretty small and they rule.

....and last but not least, some friends came to ride the warehouse last night and shut the joint down.
Quiet Adam,Ryan Souva and john Corts.
Souva's shin.

Vince Smith with an opposite hand nose pick.(While Tung Luong's collar screams "POP")

Tomorrow night is the skate jam, and I will be there sellin' my goods. Come buy some shit,hang out,watch the shredding and heckle the band.

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